Performance Data

All schools have a statutory responsibility to report on a range of data about school performance. The information on this page provides details of this data for Barrow Primary School.  It includes attainment data for Early Years Foundation Stage, outcomes at the end of Key Stage 1 and the Year 1 Phonics Check. There are also links to our latest Ofsted and SIAMS reports.  Find and compare schools in England on GOV.UK Further information on the impact of our Pupil Premium funding and our PE and Sports Premium strategy can also be found on this page.

School Improvement

Schools are also required to evaluate their effectiveness in order to identify areas for development.  The Self Evaluation Summary  details the key headlines regarding our identified strengths and areas for improvement.   This is a working document which we review regularly throughout the year. The School Development Plan  is designed to give a sharp, clear focus to those aspects of our work which we believe are most in need of improvement.  This document should give everyone an understanding of where the school is going and what actions will be taken to ensure we get there. A summary document has been provided which enables the school’s vision to be shared and understood by the whole school community. Our aim is to work and learn together as a community in order to improve and be the best that we can be.