Welcome to the Friends Friends of Barrow Primary School (FoBS). We are a fundraising organisation run by the parents and supporters of Barrow school to support the teachers in their endeavours to give our children the very best education possible. As a parent of a child at Barrow School, you are already a member of the FOBS team. A PTA at Barrow School can be traced back some 30 years and several thousands of pounds have been raised to enrich learning and support the school throughout the years.We plan and arrange events with the aim of raising money for much-needed equipment and activities, which in the past have included items such as staging, Activity Days, play equipment and funding towards our own swimming pool upkeep. We strive to make our fundraising enjoyable for all the children and their families, and our events are designed to make sure everyone has a great time! From family bingo, Christmas parties, and sponsored swims to cake sales and pancake day yumminess, a good time is always had by all, and although the primary focus is to raise much-needed funds, the social nature of the events also serve to strengthen the important links between the school and the community.You can keep up to date with our activities on our Facebook page: Friends of Barrow Primary School (FoBS) Group (Friends of Barrow School)New members are always welcome – we’re a friendly bunch, and if you have a few spare hours a month to join our team and help out in any way possible, please contact one of the members below and you’ll be made very welcome!
Committee members:
Chair: Lorraine Barnes
Secretary: Alison Taylor
Treasurer: Karen Fisk
Sarah Williams
Vicki Miller
Headteacher: Mrs Helen Ashe
School Rep: Mrs Joanne Woodland