Welcome to our fantastic Year 6 classroom which is home to our oldest children at Barrow School. Our pupils are taught by Mrs Burchell, with support from Mrs Pells, the classroom teaching assistant.
The children experience a rich and diverse curriculum which provides them with a fantastic range of skills before they head on to secondary school. A typical day will include a reading, writing and math lesson, followed by a subject specific lesson in the afternoon.
Year 6 receive 5 pieces of homework every two weeks, which are posted on Google Classroom. These are posted on Friday at 3pm and will be due in two weeks later.
In Year 6, the children have many opportunities to develop increasing independence, and support the school and wider community. The children work closely with the local church, governors, senior leadership team and local members of Barrow, to ensure the school has the children and community spirit at the heart of each and every decision that is made.