Applying to Barrow CEVC Primary School

Barrow Primary School is a Local Authority maintained church school for 4-11 year olds


All admissions to Barrow Primary School are dealt with via Suffolk Local Authority Co-ordinated
Admissions Scheme.
There are different types of schools in Suffolk (maintained, academies and free schools) and they co-ordinate admissions to the normal year of entry for them all.

The co-ordinated admissions scheme is set out in full on their website at Suffolk School Places.

Suffolk County Council
School Admissions Website

You can also request a paper copy by contacting them on 0345 600 0981 (local rate).

This document provides the detailed admission arrangements for Suffolk and is in place to make
sure all applications are handled fairly, consistently and efficiently. It applies to all schools in Suffolk to ensure that children across the county are offered a single school place on the same day.

Virtual Tour & Information for Prospective Parents

Welcome to our Virtual Tour of
Early Years at Barrow CEVC Primary School

Visiting Barrow Primary School  

We are all working hard to keep everyone safe in school during the Covid-19 pandemic. As part of our measures in place, we are trying to minimise the numbers of different visitors to our school site. Future open events for parents will be announced on the website.  Prospective parents have the following options to find out more about our school:

School Readiness