Coronavirus Information

Contingency Planning

We continue to have robust contingency plans in place should this be needed throughout

the year. This planning encompasses the management of local outbreaks or changes to

the national picture with attention to the following:

 - Continuing to follow public health advice on testing, self-isolation and managing

confirmed cases of COVID-19

 - Revising our Outbreak Management Plan in line with Public Health advice, including

provision for remote learning – see our Remote Learning Policy and guidance for

parents below.

 - Continuing to frequently review our Covid risk assessment

If you have any questions, would like any further information or would like to give your

feedback, please do contact us via the school office.

Please also find below links to the latest government guidance:

Google Classroom

At Barrow CEVC Primary School, we are using 'Google Classroom' for remote home learning.

Google classroom

Remote Learning Policy

Remote education provision: information for parents