Promoting Reading

At Barrow Primary School reading is at the heart of everything we do. Our aim is to ensure that every child not only develops the skills of reading, but also a love of reading that will last them a lifetime.

Reading at the Heart of Our Curriculum

At Barrow Primary School we immerse children in high quality children’s literature to not only help them to develop their skills as a reader, but also a passion and enthusiasm for reading. We have set out a list of books that children will engage with as they move through the topics in each year group at our school, in addition to the Amazing Author focus that takes place in each year group.

Books have been very carefully selected to ensure a broad range of subject matter, styles and levels of challenge.  As children progress through school they will get the chance to study and enjoy books from both contemporary and classic authors, including the following: Nick Sharratt, John Burningham,  Philip Pullman, JRR Tolkein, Lewis Carroll.  Teachers will also share books from a range of other popular authors during story time.

Recommended Reading Lists

Here are some ideas for high quality reading books for children in different year groups throughout school. These are only intended as a guide.  If your child is not yet able to read at the level for their year group, it is perfectly fine for them to read books from lists for children in younger years. If you would like further information about the types of books that we recommend please speak to your child’s class teacher for advice.

Websites for books

Websites for phonics

Curriculum Resources

As the National Curriculum is changing rapidly, you may wish to download the National Curriculum Parents Guide from Rising Stars. This explains the changes to the National Curriculum and the new assessment and contains a clear outline of the new content, by year group, with some background information about how the curriculum and assessment work.