Following the success of our Google Classroom remote learning provisions, we plan for this platform to remain live. This means that should we need to provide remote or blended learning for individuals who are isolating, we will be able to switch to this provision at very short notice. Please see our Remote Learning Policy below for further details.
As is already the case, all home learning will be managed through Google Classroom and we will also use this forum to share class information, workshops and resources with parents, as well as whole school community events/performances should we need to. In this way, we hope to be able to enable parents to continue to use and feel confident with the Google Classroom platform and also have a way of keeping in touch with everything that’s happening in school, should onsite visits once again become restricted.
At Barrow CEVC Primary School, we are using 'Google Classroom' for remote home learning.
Go to Google ClassroomFor Google Classroom support issues and password reset requests follow the link below and complete the online form.
for Google Classroom SupportYou can download the app to your own devices by using the links
Remote Learning Policy
Remote education provision:
Information for parents
Parent Guide to Google Classroom