Modular Approach –Knowledge and Skills
At Barrow Primary School, PE is taught across each year group in units that enable pupils to have access to:
Clear and comprehensive scheme of work in line with the National Curriculum.
In P.E, children will study four areas of sport. These include: Gymnastics, Athletics, Games and Dance. Within P.E lessons, children will adopt many different roles such as a performer, coach, umpire and leader and explore many different outdoor activities. There is a module devoted to the fundamentals (key skills which underpin all sports) and also to health, wellbeing and fitness.
PE Kit
Children have access to a Barrow PE team kit when they represent Westfield in competitions, at school and away.
Accessto experts
Over the period of their time at Barrow children will have opportunities to work with PE experts.
Children will have access to competing against pupils from other schools.
Intra Events
All pupils will have access to competing against pupils in school over the course of the year.
Displays in school will celebrate involvement in PE and is linked to wellbeing.
Extended Schools
Children will have access to PE outside of the school day including lunchtimes, afterschool and in our after school provision. The PE lead will promote school sports clubs and access to online sporting opportunities and set challenges for pupils to complete at home with their families and friends.