After a just a few weeks of incredible work by
both the staff and a dedicated team of
volunteers, our new library is almost ready to
open! Amazingly, several thousand books now
have been carefully sorted and catalogued onto
our new digital system over this short period
of time.

With new rugs, cushions and some great
displays, our wonderful Mrs Dean (along with
Mrs Corsi) has led the way on creating a
well-organised and inviting space for the
children of Barrow School to enjoy and
celebrate reading. A special thank you FoBs
for funding this transformation and to Mrs
Farnaby, Mrs Fisk and Mrs Wager who have
spent many hours scanning and sorting our book stock.

During our ‘Library Launch Week’ after half term, we are very much hoping that our
families will take part in the sponsored read Mrs Dean has already written to you
all about. Sponsorship forms have been sent home this week. We would really
welcome and encourage as many of you to take part as possible to enable us to add
some new books to further enhance this super library provision.