Parents Zone

This area of our website is designed to support parents and families. Within the pages of this area there are various important pieces of information which we hope you will read and find useful.

They will give you an insight into some of the key principles that underpin our school ethos and the teaching and learning within our school. On the links below you will find information to the following:

• Church Schools
• E-safety
• Merit reward system
• ​Attendance Reward Scheme
• Helping with reading at home
• School readiness in the Early Years

The aim of our Parent Zone is to further develop the links between school and home and enable parents to access information easily. We will also share achievements and news within this section of the site.

We feel very strongly about working in partnership with parents and carers’, believing this relationship is key to ensuring that children maximise their potential in school. Research has shown that where parents and carers are engaged with the work of the school, their child is more likely to achieve successful outcomes.

We aim to establish a partnership with parents and carers in which:
• we take account of parents’ and carers’ views, providing opportunities to contribute to decision-making about whole-school matters
• we enable parents and carers to support, and make decisions about, their own child’s learning, well-being and development
• we maintain good quality, frequent communication with parents and carers

We hope you find our Parent Zone helpful and supportive.

Attendance Reward System Merit Points Information for Parents Content domains - Parents - KS1 Content domains - Parents - KS2 National Association for Able Children in Education (NACE)